niedziela, 29 czerwca 2008

profili mir -studious time

profili mir
studious time


Botanical Gardens ...
flora and fauna-
a sense of tranquility.

piątek, 27 czerwca 2008

tunnel in eyes..

light, eyes, whiteness

through the eyes...

experimenting with the whiteness and the light
to underline the line of the eyes.....

pubbing - outsider view

Pubs in England:
chosen ones:
The West End,
I have not been in any of them.
I have been to South Sea and York recently, not that bad!

czwartek, 26 czerwca 2008

Race of glory

Crazy, weird English guys
out of prison for a while.....
Race of glory, race of life ....May 2007

wtorek, 24 czerwca 2008

A work of art

A work of art is conceived and executed on the same high plane,
sustained by imagination and stamped with individuality.

there is a link between the two....
between the imagination and the individuality
and between the work of art and the mind of the producer....

poniedziałek, 23 czerwca 2008

Bday 4 Irena T....

Happy Bday Irena T....

Greets in the direction of the Czech Republic...

(Our Bristol, our Sheffield)...

" I do not have worries..but I have my happiness" - a poem by myself

I don't have any worries then ...but I have my happiness." - a poem by myself.

In the hour of solitude,
I stretch my luck, of my voice
in your direction,
sounds powerful
but only for me,
left in the motion
goes down slowly,
and I along the line
fall down to the bottom
of my dreams.

Anchored there for good,
I gaze far beyond
and there are my loved ones,
met on my lifepath,
calling my name
and they were waving to me.

I do not have worries then, but I have my happiness.

copyright ©mirellium 2008

Nie mam trosk wtedy a mam szczescie...- poem by myself

Nie mam trosk wtedy, gdy do mnie machacie...

W godzine samotnosci
przeciagam strune mojego
glosu w Twoja strone,
brzmi barwnie
ale tylko dla mnie,
puszczona w ruch opuszcza
sie powoli, a ja jak po linie
spadam w dol
moich marzen.

Zakotwiczona tak na dobre,
spogladam w dal a tam
moi kochani ludzie
napotkani na szlaku zycia,
wolaja moje imie
i machaja do mnie.
Nie mam trosk wtedy,
a mam szczęście.
copyright ©mirellium 2008

niedziela, 22 czerwca 2008

Ania i Michal i mala Haylee M.

rodzina Marti M......
cieple niedzielne spotkania z pozujaca Haylee w roli glownej.

piątek, 20 czerwca 2008

Jon and John....

York and apple pie cheating game continued....
Falling towers of rivalry;-) men contra women....

Nadia C.A

Cliff Richard and Britney and Harry Poter;-)
unforgettable game of our women cheating in the pub

Welsh Neighbours - John M.

I know the origins of Guiness now;-)

środa, 18 czerwca 2008

la fuenta de vida

In the movement up above,
the strength of win sparks,
cause water gives me that power
which is undeniably ours.

La fuenta de vida - Bath

Magister rodzinny...

Gratulacje Aleksandra!


Congratulations sister on holding Master of Law degree! Celebrations ensue.....

wtorek, 17 czerwca 2008


True freedom is openness, availability and the capacity for gift.

niedziela, 15 czerwca 2008

Show must go on..

Ely - your face is forever in my memo...It was great

sobota, 14 czerwca 2008

Peace in the Park / belly dancing - the joy of movement

Peace in the Park- a carnival of creativity, unity and understanding for peace and solidarity across the world.
Dubclub and carrot cakes and spicy vegs plus belly dancing...

piątek, 13 czerwca 2008

artykul/ article- about students in the UK/ Polish Society in Sheffield

Link do mojego artykulu o studentach w Sheffield, studiowaniu w UK oraz Zrzeszeniu Studentow Polskich ( Polish Society) dla " Cooltury"- tygodniowego magazynu polskiego w Londynie.

Link to my article about students in Sheffield, studying in the UK and Polish Society for " Cooltura"- Polish weekly magazine in London

website address:

wtorek, 10 czerwca 2008

Skrawek nieba - poem by myself

Przez wrota nieba
dotykamy gwiazd
z glowa w chmurach
tak zwyczajnie na co dzien,
doznajac piekna kazdego dnia,
nie mamy czasu by pokazac
jak ulotne sa chwile naszych westchnien,
one sa takie nieinteresujace i nie w modzie.

Wystarcza nam jednak one,
te chwile to jedyny sens naszego istnienia,
nie ma mysli o brudnych pieniadzach
i pogoni za kawalkiem miliardowej willi,
ta cala kasa jest nic nie warta.

Spogladajac przez skrawek nieba,
przez te piekne kolo niebianskie,
jak te na zdjeciu z Bath,
kusze sie o westchnienie nad czasem
ubieglym, minionym tym niewyjasnionym
a juz zastapionym przez kolejny bieg zycia,
w pogoni za uciekajacym czasem,
tylko spojrz na ten skrawek nieba,
to najwiekszy zrab chmurek upleciony dla Ciebie
jak wianek, bys mogl go sobie
zalozyc na glowe
i uciec z usmiechem w nieznane.

copyrights @mirellium

poniedziałek, 9 czerwca 2008

BRISTOL - suspension bridge

BRISTOL - S.England i Bansky art

Bristol and Bansky art...

the exploration of the UK - the map suits my jacket (smiling)
or I suit the map ( lol)

BRISTOL - S.England

BATH - south of England

sloneczne Bath- pld. Anglia

Pig series in BATH

Pig PR campaign in BATH....
Which pig are you voting for?
Do not tell me it is me ( smiling)
I guess this hanging pig would be the winner ( smiling)!