czwartek, 29 stycznia 2009

Precious snow

Precious snow only because of its whiteness.....

precious snow as of today....

niedziela, 25 stycznia 2009

about life

" OUR LIFE IS AS MEANINGFUL, AS FULL AND AS WONDERFUL AS WE CHOOSE TO MAKE IT. " Richard Dawkins " The God delusion" Black Swan (2006), p. 404.

czwartek, 15 stycznia 2009

sobota, 10 stycznia 2009

bukieciki pachnace ...

bday flowers 4m Aneta S.
This post is for Aneta S. with remembrance of the meeting on the 29th Dec 2008

dbajac o skrzydla

Wierze, ze przyjaciele sa jak ciche aniole,
ktore podnosza nas kiedy nasze skrzydla
zapomnialy jak latac...

Tomek P. i geneologia

in pursuit of the family roots- Tomek. P

niedziela, 4 stycznia 2009