piątek, 24 marca 2023

tempura soba and trompe l'oleil by Murakami

....garść zwrotów z japońskich klimatów by Haruki Murakami....

to my taste;-)

 " I am fifty-four. Too old to be fighting on the front lines in the business I was in, but still a little too young to be considered a legend. That's why you see me dawdling around like this."

Haruki Murakami, page 426, " Killing of the Commendatore", Vintage, London 2017


* herringbone jacket- wzór w jodełkę, materiał ze wzorem w jodełkę.

She was wearing a long, dark-gray herringbone jacket.

* trompe l'oleil- malarstwo iluzjonistyczne

*marlin-= spearfish- marlin - ryba morska

*tempura- japońska gorąca potrawa z ryb i warzyw.= TEMPURA SOBA