sobota, 31 maja 2008

Zanetka N. i Maja

Zanetka N. i Maja w majowym miesiacu nowego etapu zycia.

piątek, 30 maja 2008

Pater Noster i Stoddart Building

miejsce nauki.....

---- to tutaj jest Pater Noster pani profesor....
( wiem dzieki Jonathanowi)
Pater Noster lift is here dear professor. I know now thanks to Jonathan who studies there...

rozpostarty we mgle na strazy z winda siegajaca metaforycznie nieba....just off the road.

czwartek, 29 maja 2008

As that pin .... Eng. version

As that pin...

Radiant, I am pinning myself in the heaven...
as a pin I am sharp too.

I am a cutting wound as well
not wiped out for years,
so as to look directly into the eyes
of those I have loved for years

And they got lost in themselves
forgetting about others.

There is not time for sighing
When we enter the world with a rush
The world of worries and unbuttoned
Whilst running we got caught by the
as leaves we fell down tired
to our earthly beds
Filled with delectable corners of our

Let the world rouse us out forever,
for us to exist eternally
for ourselves and others.

In the sense of fulfillment and self-realization,
opening the eyes with a smile,
and look closely
at the changing world,
not losing ourselves that strongly,
as it is not worthy.

29 May 2008

copyright© mirellium

Jak ta szpilka - poems by myself..

Jak ta szpilka...

Rozpromieniona wbijam sie w niebo ...,
jak szpilka jestem tez cieta
jestem tez cieta rana
niezatarta od lat
by spojrzec prosto w oczy
tym ktorych kochalam od lat
a ktorzy sie tak zagubili dla siebie samych,
zapominajac o innych.

Nie czas na westchnienie,
gdy pedem wkraczamy w swiat
trosk i niedopietych koszul.
Biegnac porywa nas wiatr
jak liscie spadamy zmeczeni
do naszych przyziemnych lozek
pelnych rozkosznych zakamarkow
naszych marzen.

Niech wyrwie nas ten swiat na zawsze,
bysmy istnieli tak wiecznie
dla siebie i innych,
w poczuciu spelnienia
i realizacji,
z usmiechem otwierali oczy
i patrzyli uwaznie
na zmieniajacy sie swiat
nie zatracajac sie tak doglebnie
bo nie warto.

copyright ©mirellium

wtorek, 27 maja 2008

Enrico P.

Enrico z dyplomem znajomosci jezyka polskiego,
na gorze Breithorn,
oraz z wizyta u kolezanki Eli ....

poniedziałek, 26 maja 2008

Marta M.

ile radosci przynosi text message???? * shorehamowa ulica

niedziela, 25 maja 2008


Bodyguard 4m above

PR-ofili ( it.)

gli ultimi profili di Mirella

Eleonora ...

Foto orribile a causa dello studio...

magical green armchair

stories from " under the roof" ...

piątek, 23 maja 2008

belly dancing

Shimmy your body with belly dancing ....

artystyczny spleen.........2007

artystyczny spleen
w pi ..ou...kej...

Polska gora...seria meczow od Moskwy do Sheffield FC.

...i po polsku Polska gora cisnie sie na usta...

piątek, 16 maja 2008

"Nieustanne zludzenia" - wersja pl.

Nieustanne zludzenia

Tak blisko, a tak daleko
od siebie,
rozproszeni, my jestesmy....

Myslacy i nie myslacy o sobie
nawzajem, my jestesmy...

Istniejacy i nieistniejacy
o sobie, moze tez o innych?

Bladzimy, wracamy, gnamy, udajemy, gramy
o lepsza stawke,
zludzenia, zycie, zludzenia
bynajmniej nie optyczne,
takie rzeczywiste,
tkwiace w nas,
i nierealne,
istniejace zawsze w nas,
przesladujace nas
od zawsze i niesmiertelne.

Copyright© mirellium - 16 maja 2008

Poem by myself " Ceaseless illusions"

Ceaseless illusions -poem by myself

So close and so far away
from each other,
scattered we are.....

Thinking and not thinking
of each other , we are....

Existing and non-existing
we think
about ourselves, maybe about
others as well?

We get lost, we come back, we race, we pretend, we act
for the better price,
Illusions , life , illusions
but not these optical ones,
the ones in us,
the needs,
and unrealistic,
present always in us,
haunting us,
forever and immortal.

Copyright ©mirellium ,on the 16th of May, 2008

czwartek, 15 maja 2008

citas with a bit of heart inside

The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are but on how happy others can be....
( source: anonymous text)

Happiness is like a butterfly, if you run after it, it flies away..
If you stand still, it comes and sit on your shoulder .
Wishing you a lot of butterflies..
( source: anonymous text )

Accomplishments- the right achievements

Milosc nie powinna byc uznawana jako osiagniecie.

Love should not be attached to accomplishments

(source: " Psychologies" June 2008 , UK edition)

środa, 14 maja 2008

Magnolie....oh te magnolie...

Ohh te magnolie , wszedzie sa , pobudzaja marzenia wraz z wiosennym wietrzykiem ....
Look up the skies the clouds are there for you...
" Spires came out of the water..."

niedziela, 11 maja 2008


starring: Jon, Martin, Aga, Lee, Marco, Caterina, Eleonora,Marta(Espanol), Marta(Italiano), Claudia,Patty, Rosa,
Craig, and me...14 ppl on the whole.

czwartek, 8 maja 2008

The life of plants and insects

The life of plants and insects is as versatile as human life......

1 STORy...." Through the glasses"

wtorek, 6 maja 2008


to be self-aware means recognizing the limits of selfhood...

niedziela, 4 maja 2008

Steel art....

STEEL art in a steel town


Emotional circuits interconnected with the frontal lobes....

Togetherness created by perceptual systems...

UNITY ...ball- human unity

we and objects : UNITY and HARMONY of us and shapes...

" The brain is organized to move the muscles in ways that allow the whole body to attain the goals set by the emotions..."

" Emergence" by Steven Johnson

czwartek, 1 maja 2008


finding a riot of flecks of colours in this impressionist, floral image from the nature that surrounds me. Would like to paint this image myself one day;-)
source: Botanical Gardens
my association: The method of impressionist paintings (
Monet and Manet) visible in the above scenary.