Zanetka N. i Maja w majowym miesiacu nowego etapu zycia.
BLOG MIRELLIUM : Chciałabym aby ten blog był żywy i ciepły a nie formalny i pusty. Zapraszam Was do wzięcia aktywnego udziału w nim, by był kreatywniejszy....;-)
As that pin...
There is not time for sighing
When we enter the world with a rush
The world of worries and unbuttoned
Whilst running we got caught by the
as leaves we fell down tired
to our earthly beds
Filled with delectable corners of our
Let the world rouse us out forever,
for us to exist eternally
for ourselves and others.
In the sense of fulfillment and self-realization,
opening the eyes with a smile,
and look closely
at the changing world,
not losing ourselves that strongly,
as it is not worthy.
29 May 2008
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