Cisza, nadzieja i email.
Cisza zapada wokol
mojego lozka,
unosi sie w powietrzu,
wdycham ta cisze.
Bol, samotnosc i oczekiwanie
sa w moim umysle.
Placz w oczach
zastyga, gdyz pojawia
sie nadzieja.
Wystarczy jeden email
by serce wypelnilo
sie swiatlem radosci.
Silence, hope and email.
Silence ensues around my bed,
hovers in the air,
I breathe in this silence.
Pain,loneliness and expectations
are in my mind.
Cry in my eyes dries out
as the hope appears.
One email is enough
for the heart to be filled with
the light of joy.
copyright ©mirellium, July ,08
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