Plynnosc myslenia zalezy od fazy tworzenia w umysle nowych skojarzen, nie rzadko niezgodnych ze stanem rzeczywistym swiadomosci.
Podazamy za flow aby sprecyzowac i wynaturzyc to co w nas tkwi, tak doglebnie.
O co chodzi wiec tej plynnosci?
( zatytulujmy to W GLEBINE SIEBIE)
The continuity of thinking depends on the phase of creating new associations in our mind, which are not infrequently in disagreement with the actual state of our consciousness.
We follow the flow to make more precise and give vent to sth. inside us, so deep within us.
What is up with this continuity of thinking?
( let us entitle this GOING WITHIN OURSELVES)
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